Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Psalm 63 - The Righteous One finding water-springs in God.

It may have been near the Dead Sea, on his way to the ford of Jordan, that the Psalmist first sang this song. It is a Psalm first heard by David's faithful ones in the wilderness of Judah; but truly a Psalm for every godly man who in the dry world-wilderness can sing - "All my springs are in you" - a Psalm for David - a Psalm for David's Son - a Psalm for the Church in every age - a Psalm for every member of the Church in the weary land!

What assurance, what vehement desire, what soul-filling delight in God, in God alone - in God the only fountain of the living water amid a boundness wilderness! Hope, too, has its visions here; for it sees the ungodly perish (v8,9,10), and the King on the throne surrounded by a company who swear allegiance to the LORD.

Hope sees for itself what Isaiah 65:16 describes - every mouth "swearing by the God of truth;" and what Revelation 21:27 has foretold, the mouth of "liars" closed forever - all who sought others gods, and trusted to other saviours, gone forever.

And when we read all this as spoken of Christ, how much does every verse become enhanced.

His thirst for God!
His vision of God!
His estimate of God's loving-kindness!
Hos soul satisfied!
His mouth full of praise!
His soul following hard after God!

"O God, you are my God," mighty one. You are my omnipotence. It is this God he still seeks. In verse 2 we see: 

"No wonder that I thirst for you; no wonder that my first thoughts in the morning are toward you; no wonder than my very flesh longs for you! Who would not, that has seen what I have seen? So have I gazed on you in the sanctuary, seeing such power and glory!"

The "so" is like 2 Peter 1:18, "Such a voice!" And then if the past has been exquitely blessed, my prospects for the future are no less so. I see illimitable bliss coming in as a tide; "so will I bless You while I have being!" (v4)

Yes; in ages to come, as well as in many a happy moment on earth, my soul shall be satiated as with marrow and fatness! 

When verse 7 shows us the soul under the shadow of God's wings, rejoicing, we may say, it is not only like as "the bird sheltered from teh heart of the sun amid the rich foliage sings its merry note," but it is the soul resting there as if entering the cloud of glory, like Moses and Elijah.

O world! Come and see The Righteous One finding water-springs in God.

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