Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Psalm 62 - The Righteous one, when threatened, looking to the Rock for help.

This Psalm has three parts, each begins with "truly;" verses 1,4,9.

There was a "Rock" spoken of in Psalm 61:2. The God of Israel had long been known under than name, ever since Jacob, and Moses, and Hannah, had appropriated the Rock, with its many propertises of shade, shelter, strength, solidity, dignity, to give a people accustomed to level deserts and sands an emlem of the Unchanging One to whom the helpless may hold.

This Rock is prominent through this Psalm. At the commencement, the soul of the speaker is seen under it as his shelter - he rests in its shade, and on its strength.

"Only upon God my soul rests." (Horsley) He is a rock, while enemies are as an inclining wall and a fence that has had a shove - on the verge of ruin. Thus he can snig, "Truly in God, my soul takes rest." (v1,6)

Foes and bitter persecutors are around him, and this keeps him very near the Refuge at all times. We ahve here the soul of the Righteous One - Christ and his members - resorting to the LORD while iniquity surrounds them, and persecution tries them.

We hear them calling on Him, and stirring up one another to do the same (v8), affixing the solemn ("Selah",
"Trust in him at all imes, you people." (true Israel of God)

"Our estimate of man (it has been said) depends on our estimate of God;" and here God is felt to be most gloriously great. The sons of men (v9) are a mere vapour; their greantness, even when it shall flush up the splendour of Antichrist's dominion, is a mere mirages.

The sentence against it is on the way. Already you may hear God speaking; it is no fancy. Two things have been declared by our God. That he will bring down the proud and that he has mercy on his own.

As from Sinai, so from the Rock, we hear a voice telling that the LORD is God Almighty, and yet merciful too.

"One thing God has spoken,
Two things there are which I have heard - 
That might is God's;
And that mercy also is the LORD's!" (v11,12)

In this certainty we looked for the Great Day of the Lord - the day when a mismanaged world shall be set in order - a day sure to come, and sure to satisfy us when it has come,
"For you render to each man according to his work."

When the choir of singers, at whose head was Jeduthun, sang this Psalm together, the godly in Israel would feel their souls raised to the very heights of confidence, sympathising with The Righteous one, when threatened, looking to the Rock for help.

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